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Moving Forward Into Your Promise Land

Writer: Deb Miller RobinsonDeb Miller Robinson

Joshua : 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the ‘son of Nun, Moses assistant, saying; Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and this people, to the land which I am giving to them - the children of Israel.

Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I am given you, as I said to Moses.

1:5- “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Be strong and of good courage (stay alert).....

Nun = future generations

Jordan = is a place of change.

Meaning of Joshua = God is salvation

Joshua (God is salvation) is the son of future generations moving forward at God’s commissioned. He was connected to Creator-God and told ‘arise’ go over the Jordan which is known as, the river of change.


What Joshua had known of in the past is dead (Moses the lawgiver). Joshua had a new calling from God, to know Him deeper then ever before.

God reassures Joshua ‘I am with you’. I want something new for you, I have a promise land for you.

Sometimes when we are asked to move forward we have to let the past die for the new to come in. Fear should have no hold over us, when we are to move forward. What are you fearful of. God has faith in you to move and become who He has called you to become. He assures you I will never leave you nor forsake you.

God tells Joshua to be strong and of good courage (to be alert). He is telling you that right now.

God calls Joshua to move forward. To crossover to what is next.

The presence of God goes ahead of you. Your eyes are not fixed on what was in the past, or what you have lost. Your eyers are fixed on what is ahead of you. It is time to fix your eyes on moving forward. You can not stay stuck here. Stuck in bondage, in slavery, & in the desert. The desert is a place of training.

When Joshua was about to start his task as leader of the people of Israel, God told him to “be strong and of good courage.” Are we strong and courageous?

But God meant something entirely different here when he told Joshua to be strong and of good courage. God told Joshua to be strong in Him, in the Lord. He had to be firm, to be confident, to be alert, to be brave, and to be bold in obeying the Lord. He had to trust in the Lord in order to do all the assignments he needed to do. And he had enormous assignments to do. He needed to lead the next generation into the Promised Land and fight against all the people of Canaan. He also had to leave the elders behind because of their unbelief. Can you imagine how difficult that was for him?

Joshua couldn’t do any of these assignments on his own. No, he needed to do all these by being brave and strong in God. He had to listen to God very closely to know what He wanted him to do. He had to obey God even when he was scared (and there were many times when he would have been scared). It also meant that he had to pray to God all the time, asking God to help him as he did his assignments, asking God to make him brave!

It is time to ask God to make you brave.

God had promised Joshua that he would be with him: “I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” These are the same promises we have today, when God says ‘move forward’.

Where is God calling you too?

Are you prepared to go?

What will you be doing in your promise land?

These may be questions that you just don’t have the answers too, but God has called you to move forward. Arise, & take that first step. Is there a mountain in front of you? I can guarantee satan will try to stop you.

Joshua had been trained by Moses, but now he is asked by God to move forward and move with Him.

Are you in a new training?

But you do have a promise!

Since we are to move forward with being strong (confidence) and courage, do we have faith to move the mountains in front of us?

What is the mountain in your life? Moving Forward?

What is the problem that is too big to solve?

What is the challenge that seems too big to take on?

Is it too big for God? Is not God with you?

Matthew 17:20 AMP He said to them, Because of the littleness of your faith (that is, your lack of firmly relying trust). For truly I say to you; if you have faith (that is living) like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain. Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

God is in the mountain moving business!

Faith like a mustard seed will allow God to move this mountain.

Did Joshua have mountains to face - yes he did. But he knew the One who was with him.

Jesus is saying ‘get your eyes off the mountain’. Focus on having a little bit of faith. Take a step or arise up.

Have you ever moved mountains?

We all believe in God but we don’t have much mountain movement.

Mark 11:22-24 And Jesus, replying said to them. Have faith in God (constantly). Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain. Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him. For this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and confident) that it is granted to you and you will (get it).

Faith in God, even a little faith causes God to say to us, I am the mountain moving God.

God wants you to live, or to move forward with faith.

Mountain moving faith ‘speaks’. Mountain moving faith ‘prays’.

Whatever you ask, whatever He tells you - believe. The more time you spend with God, the more time your faith increases. The faith filled words are ‘Ask Him - you will receive.’

Matthew 7:7-8 Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and the door will be opened. For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, the door will be opened.

When you don’t ask it diminishes the Glory of God through your life. He gets glory in bringing your needs to Him. You are the one who can’t meet this need s- that glorifys God.

It is prayer that fuels mountain’s. He wants mountains to move in your life.

Even Jesus departed to get away to pray.

When we are asked to move forward, in perhaps a new location, in ministry, in an assignment or move forward out of our comfort zone. Is He not with us?

Joshua was strong & courageous, he took on a new leadership. He had a good model in Moses, he carried forward what he had been taught. He wasn’t afraid to move forward. He now put a deeper trust in God. He seen Moses relationship with God, now he knew how, to have that kind of relationship.

Sometimes we need to press through and just go, to move satan out of our way (satan will try to stop you).

When I was asked to go to England I did not have all of the funds. The enemy came in a told lies, maybe you are not to go, you and your team can stay home this time and go later. But it took us to listen and ‘ask’ God what do you want? On the way to my team meeting God confirmed I was to go. I asked if you want me to go God, talk to me through a song.

For me it was confirmed by words in this song - Even So by Mercy Me

It only takes a little faith to move a mountain, a little faith is all I have right now.

You've been faithful, You've been good All of my days Jesus, I will cling to You Come what may 'Cause I know You're able I know You can

Yes, the rest of the funds came in after we got back. God was teaching us to walk in Kingdom Finances, He called us to arise and come up higher with Him.

Is he calling you too ‘arise’, move forward, be strong and courageous?

We are in a season of time to arise and move forward, don’t look back and keep focusing on what God has promised you - it is your promise land.

Time to tell satan to get off your promise land.

There are assignments for you in the is new promise land that only you can do.


Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior


1 Comment

Jul 06, 2023

That's really good, Deb. I wonder how many people ever thought about the fact that he had to leave the elders behind be cause of their lack of faith. I never thought of that. Carole


deb miller robinson

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