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Prayers Of Fire

Writer's picture: Deb Miller RobinsonDeb Miller Robinson

•Time to Pray

•Prayers turn ordinary Christians into

Men & Women of power.

•Prayers turns you into a Soldier or Spiritual Warrior

•God needs both

Praying is about building relationship with Father, Son & Holy Spirit

•Prayers are turning your sorrow into joy.

•Prayers are letting go of your pain, your hurt, your rejection, your anger, your past

•Prayers are letting God love on You

•Prayers are setting the captives free

•Prayers are also sitting down to listen

•Are You In God’s Army

•Every Christian is called at the very least to be a soldier in the army of God. Soldiers are called to counter evil with the overwhelming, overcoming goodness that flows from a heart in love with God.

•Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good. Romans 12:21

•Soldiers bless everyone around them and contribute to a positive spiritual atmosphere. Graham Cooke

•Forgive Us Father For Not Speaking Out

•God said when you doubt yourself – you doubt Me!!!!

•Nations will need prophets, will need prayer warriors who can give new vision in these times of transition, and who will intercede on behalf of His people on behalf of Him

•We need to speak the Heart of God

•Why are you here? Why were you created? You are God’s feet, ears, eyes,& mind here on earth. Are you honoring the heart of Abba Father, being obedient to do what He has asked you to do.

•Walk in Victory – God is in you to win the race.

•Know Your Authority & Use It

• We need to block the spiritual pathways that are not from Creator.

• Speak It Out: Isaiah 50:4 The Lord has given me the capacity to be His spokesman, so that I know how to help the weary. (NET)

• Psalm 81:10 I am your God, your only God! Wasn’t it I who broke the strongholds over you and raised you up out of bondage? Open your mouth with a mighty decree, I will fulfill it now, you’ll see. The words that you speak so shall it be. The Passion Translation

We pray, decree & fight from victory not toward it

•Change The Atmosphere

•The first stage of warfare is to change the atmosphere around us, where we live, work, and worship.

•How do you change the atmosphere?

•We seek to change the atmosphere over people’s lives so that they may experience the glory of God.

•Speak life into people, speak how Jesus sees them not how the enemy has attacked them. Don’t focus on their faults, focus on their purpose.

•Are You a Soldier or a Warrior?

•Spiritual warriors play a different role then soldiers; They are on special assignment, charged with specific God led assignments against the enemy.

•Spiritual warriors are the special forces of the kingdom. Out there they battle and hold ground until soldiers – reinforcements – arrive to help them.

•Pay attention to your missions. Not every assignment or mission is yours to take on.

•We Are All Needed

•Spiritual Warriors have a zeal to take a city, a state, a region, a nation. Like David’s mighty men they are raised up to restore, rebuild.

•Spiritual warriors take the first and most courageous step – but soldiers are needed to come behind them and back them up.

•David’s identity as a warrior was rooted in his intimacy

•We fight from Victory not toward it.

•Power in Prayer

The early church walked in a tremendous display of the Holy Spirit’s power and saw the World transformed before their eyes.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit want to partner with us in transformation of our cities, our families, our nation. We can partner with them in prayer.

There are things only we can activate, or fight for.

Jesus said – You will do more then I did, I give you all authority. John 14:12, Luke 10:19

•Prayers Against The Enemy

•Ephesians 6:12

• Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operation in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage

Know your enemy

But focus on what God wants to do in every situation

•Armor of God

•Ephesians 6

•Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser.

•Put of the truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph.

•Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart.

•Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.

•In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the Evil One.

•Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies.

•Take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit sword of the spoken Word of God

•Ephesians 6 cont.

•Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers

•Passion Translation

•Where is Your Sacred Place, Your prayer closet

•We need to get into our war room

•We need to set at the feet of Jesus

•Prayer is about building a relationship with Jesus, with Holy Spirit, with God.

•Prayer is sharing our hearts, hurts, pains with Jesus, and it is also praying from the heart of Father God.

•Holy Spirit wants to meet with us during prayer, worship time. Holy Spirit was sent to help us.

•Ways to Pray

•Decree scripture out – The word of God will not come back void.

•Pray in your spiritual language/tongues

•Ask God – what is on Your heart for me to pray?

•Pray from the point of Victory. You are an overcomer

•Journal your prayers and answers

•Walk out your prayers in your city, state, your house.

The God of peace will crush satan under our feet. Romans 16:20 (As we walk with Holy Spirit in us - God will crush the enemy).

•Answer to Prayers

•We may not see the answer to our prayers right away. God’s timing

•Sometimes God will ask you to do something without you knowing why. Be obedient

•It is our mandate to pray. There are things that only we can activate.

•Call upon God’s angels for help, to minister. They are messengers of God.

•Instead of asking why, ask what does this mean and what do I need to do about it.

I think for me the most important thing to remember is 'Believe In Your Prayers'.

When you Believe - you will move mountains.

Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior

Revised 3-29-2022

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