When Creator breathed life into Adam it was a sacred moment, this is what we call 'Sacred Breath', from Creator. Man came alive with all that Creator had intended for him or his purpose here on earth.
Man was formed (made) from dirt and Creator called it good dirt. Imagine man being formed from the earth. This brings
a deep connection to the land. We view it as living dirt that provides for all life. We are here on the earth to bring respect, gatitude and to stewart the land that is sacred to us, that was given to us by Creator.
This was the purpose of dirt, being intertwined with man, partnering together beyond what we can understand. This is what Creator meant for us. We heal from the earth and the earth heal's from us. We are not to worship the earth but honor and respect what the earth does for all living things.
Indigenous Tribes along with other religions, refers to Mother Earth as like our mother. I recently was challenged about the name Mother Earth. The term Mother Earth originates from where "Gai" is the goddess personifying the Earth, essentially acting a a mother to all life on the planet; the concept of Earth as a nurturing mother figure is also found in many other cultures around the world, with names like Pachamama (Inca) or Prthvi Mata (Hindu reflecting this.
Ancient pagans often worshiped created things rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25). They erroneously considered elements of the natural world to be “gods” and “goddesses” worthy of divine worship. The earth, for instance, was often – though not always – personified as a goddess. We do sometimes encounter an “earth god” instead, such as the ancient Egyptian Geb. However, the idea that the earth was both goddess and mother of all gods and humans was common in the ancient world.
the ancient world.
Mother Earth, in Gnosticism, symbolizes fertility and nurturing, represented by Isis with wheat and poppy, and serves as an archetypal figure from whom Typhoeus descends. In contrast, the Catholic Church views Mother Earth as a life-sustaining entity depicted in 'The Canticle of the Sun', known for producing a variety of fruits and flowers. Both interpretations highlight the themes of fertility and the essential role of Earth in nurturing life.
To my friends I would like to hear your comments on 'Mother Earth" saying and its meaning to you or your tribe?
Now back to Creator's Sacred Breath
When you are stressed think about what your breath does for you. When you inhale you are inhaling from Creator, when you exhale you are letting go with your breath (that which is stressing you out). It is a calming for us when we do this with our breath. It gives us an opening in our mind to turn what is negative (thoughts) into positive (thoughts). Refreshing isn't it.
What is the 444 rule for breathing?
It's hard, but endurance and energy will add up. Use box breathing (or the 4-4-4 technique) in stressful situations. – Navy SEALs use this to stay calm in tense situations: Breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, then exhale for four seconds. Repeat three times.
When we come into this world we take our first breath, when we crossover into the next realm, we take our first breath into eternity, but what we see on earth is our last breath.
Creator's Sacred Breath brought His life into us, perhaps His image into us so we could be like them (Father, Son & Holy Spirit). We are made in Their image. Our last breath we return to Creator when we acknowledge and know His Son - Jesus.
Romans 10:13 says, "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved". Other Bible verses that discuss salvation through faith in Jesus include:
Does our breath bring frequencies? Without breath we can not exist here on earth.
So to me this is something to think about. The power of the Sacred Breath that has been put into us.
Yes, breath does have frequencies in it; the sound of your breath, when analyzed, can be broken down into different frequencies, with the majority of the power typically falling within a range between 60Hz and 600Hz for healthy lung sounds; this means that your breath can be considered to have a "frequency signature" depending on the airflow and characteristics of your respiratory system.
Key points about breath frequencies:
Resonance Frequency:
Studies show that breathing at a specific "resonance frequency" (around 0.1 Hz, which translates to roughly 6 breaths per minute) can have positive effects on the body by influencing the autonomic nervous system and heart rate variability.
Measuring Breath Frequencies:
Medical professionals can analyze breath sounds using a stethoscope to assess lung health based on the frequency characteristics of the breath.
Factors Affecting Breath Frequency:
Factors like breathing rate, depth of breath, and airway conditions can affect the frequencies present in your breath.
Quote: From Ghostdance Shadley
Warrior, do you know how important it is to take time each day to be still before Creator Yahweh? Pray. Read the Sacred Writings, and then close your eyes and let Him work the healing process. Offer every part of your body to the One who breathed life into your lungs.
There is a place for man's medicine, but the soul of you needs much more. Feel Creator Yahweh's life-giving breath trickling into your fingers and toes, then back out again, running up your arms and legs, crossing through your loins and chest and coming to rest in your bruised and battered heart. No drug can match the wonder in your bruised and battered heart. No drug can match the wonder of this healing caress. No heat can match its soothing breath. He is your Creator and Father, and He loves you more than any human ever can.
Pleya gi - Go with Blessings. Ghostdancer Shadley Eagle People Journal.
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior
Blessings On Your Day