Wait quietly in My Presence while My thoughts form silently in the depths of your being. Do not try to rush this process,because hurry keeps your heart earthbound.
I am the Creator of the entire universe, yet I choose to make My humble home in your heart.
It is there where you know Me most intimately; it is there where I speak to you in holy whispers.
Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can hear My still, small voice withn you.
I am speaking to you continually: words of Life....Peace...Love.
Tune your heart to receive these messages of abundant blessing.
Lay your requests before Me and wait in expectation.
Read: 1 Kings 19:12
Psalm 5:33
9-21-2023. This is from today's reading in the book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Enjoy: I am getting ready for Colombia - leaving Oct 4th and returning Oct 18. Please keep me in your prayers as I have a cold now and have many things to do and process.
I know I am to release God's intimate love to many. Victory in Jesus moving forward in Him.
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior